Monday, December 21, 2009

Milestone Monday

Wow its 10 pm already....

Well we all know about JcPennys and there is no need to talk about that 20x's over...

So, to kick off milestone monday.... :).... This may surprise you- but sometimes I make a big deal out of things that are totally not a big deal.

I know. Weird &


Anyways- The Mr. can lift his head and shoulders at tummy time!!!! Just when I went all ape shit ::crazy eyed hair sticking out like I stuck a fork in an electric socket:: on Kim in the fear that something may be wrong with him... as your giving me the ::side eye:: right now that I thought something was "wrong" with him please read the above statement again....

-okay good now that were on back on the same page on to another milestone-

Brodie is farting alot this last week.... proud moment right? Yes, I am- Rather funny because sometimes he startles himself... (Dear Little Tummys Gas Drops: You.Complete.Me.)

Much love <3

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