Friday, December 4, 2009

Lets talk coffee....

For those of you not tugging around a chubby infant in a heavy carrier...

How do you score a free cup of coffee you ask?

A. Go to starbucks and ask to "try" a few different types then decided you do not like any- you simply just earned an entire espresso shot!

B. Go to a dealership to "buy" a car- chances are you will get your pick from coffee, water, or soda!!!

C. When all else fails flirt with the barissta...

If you need a major caffeine fix implement all A, then C, and B at the last resort!

IF your a new mom and need a sip of coffee....

A. Go for a drive if your child likes the car... works like a charm for us!!

B. Reheat your cup for the 5th time but know as soon as that cup approaches your lip your child will wake up... place cup down and load child up to go in the car for a drive OR say ill see you at the 6th heat up mr cup of coffee

C. Go to the gym where you get 2 hours of day care a day with your membership, free coffee till 3, and unlimited internet... Skip the treadmill and sip the coffee....

Feel free to do B, then A, then a follow up cup when you get to C!!!! By the 6th reheat its about 2 pm in the day and you still have a full hour to snag free coffee at the gym....

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