Sunday, December 27, 2009

Its a bird... Its a plane... No its a Brodie pee train...

The saying that little boys pee on everything is an understatement...

The list of items pee'd on by the mr. himself to date

twin bed
master bed
master bedding
his bed
pack n play
car seats
bath tub
across the play room floor
on me
on kim
on kims face
on his own face
in his eye
in his mouth
on his bed room celing
on andrea
in andreas mouth

and the list will for sure grow an grow and grow

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHA.. Oh joy. So I'm not sure if you know this but they have these things called pee pee tee pee's. They are used so when you are changing him you can put them on and if he does pee it won't get everyone and everything around him. Sounds like things are going well. Hope everyone and everything is wonderful!
