Thursday, December 3, 2009

100 in 365

have a baby √
join the gym & get in shape√
get a family portrait √
become good with my camara and use it often
take a family cruise
start a blog for brodie and family √
read 3 books
make lasagna- NOT stouffers :)
Get brodie into swim class
cut coupons & use them √
A once a month date just kim and i
Teach brodie his milestones
Spend $100 on christmas √
Take brodie to the zoo
Go on a random road trip on a sunday afternoon
keep a solid photo album & video log
only grocery shop twice a month
get to know 5 new people
let brodie go in the ocean and put his feet in the sand
plan a football sunday birthday party for brodie
volenteer with the Ymca
Work toward my real estate license
ignore a messy house and play with my son√
go for a walk in new parks
take brodie camping
learn a new crafty thing to do
make a pie from scratch
find a part time job that works
do 2 inside house projects
not buy more then 3 dvd's but rent
consignment shop √
landscape the front yard
have a picnic
plan an event
deep clean my house in the spring/summer
get newborn, 6 month, and 1 year pics done for brodie
not cut my hair short again
cook for my mom √
bake for my aunt
go to yoga a few times
let kim have alone time with brodie √
treat kim to a "her" day
get more affordable health insurance √
wish happy birthdays and anniversarys to others
recconect with 5 old friends
find a good sitter for brodie
feed the ducks on the canal
go for a canal tour
go to the mueseum of play
go dancing
go to disney
take brodie on the dumbo ride
go a week with out making a to do list
learn how to change a tire
get an understanding for the stock market
get a picture done by my aunt
buy toys for kids at christmas & donate
consign at weapeats sale
go to the dentist
have a spa treatment
keep building my photo book
spend a weekend gardening
make a snowman
be a vent source for a friend √
stain our deck
visit dr. hayes again
keep the same shower curtain for 6 months
rebuild our savings
babysit for friends √
keep brodie in gymboree class
get a new mattress √
cook dinner every night but 2 nights a month
get brodie to high five and say mama/mommy
take brodie to the pool in the summer
spend a night at my moms
go skiing w friends
see new moon in september √
see eclipse in june
see fire works in july
get brodie to nap in his crib
get my first flu shot √
have breakfest with friends √
pay off debts √
pay better attention to the dogs
take brodie to a baseball game
visit family out of town
go to long island in july
rent a cabin in may
order dessert before dinner
skip christmas cards and send random thinking of you cards
stop stealing pens from mean servers and register people
clean the outside of the windows
positively comment a stranger √
sell unused items on craigslist & de-clutter
organize our messy basement
do feet painting with brodie √
be a good hand washer √
get a new tattoo
go fishing
let brodie get super messy with his 1st birthday cake

1 comment:

  1. Mica! I love this. Welcome to the blog family. Again I want to say I'm so happy for you and your many blessings. Can't wait to follow you along your journey! Take a look at our blog!
