Sunday, January 17, 2010

Swooning Brodie

Yes, right now we are full force with our first illness...

Brodie has whats called RSV its very common in children. We spent a few days thinking he just had boogers then it turned into a little caugh and by Friday night full force weazing that almost had me taking him to the Er. Instead we called our doc personally at home a few times until he said he would see Brodie first thing Saturday morning. So we went in- they listened to Brodie and instantly they knew- he was put on a breathing treatment in office and sent home with his own he has his own little baby mask- plastic masks for infants are not cheap...

So far were doing breathing treatments every 4 hrs, steamy bathrooms, vicks, and vaporizors! Poor guy- my heart breaks for him... but the doc said he should be all well by the end of the week!!!

Also too boot- my computer died!

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