Tuesday, January 26, 2010

a crazy 24 hours

Lets see how do I begin to express how exhausting, draining, shocking, and nerve racking the last 24 hours have been...

1- before everyones underroos get in a tizzy this post is for mama vent and the MR is 100% perfect and infact is a rolling machine!!!! Besides the fact that he screamed for 3 hrs straight yesterday morning and mama was considering playing duck duck goose on the 390 (at rush hour)!!!

So- 1 week ago We sold a chair on craigslist to a woman whom never came to get it- so we resold it. Bringing us to Monday night What does she do- FREAKS OUT LIKE A CHIHUAHUA WITH A BURITTO THAT IS MISSING THE BEANS.... Im talking threatened to shoot me in the face and shoot my house up kinda crazy- so I kept my calm and not attacking her with my shovel that was conviently by the door- I locked locked the door- closed the blinds- & called the cops & I had her arrested... We go to bed count our sheep only to wake up to our dead sump pump at 8 am ish... (sump pump- takes the water out of places and more imporant places in basements that fill with water when ALL the snow ments on a random day in January in upstate New fricken York) Oooo look- our own personal swimming pool IN OUR BASEMENT... Next steps buy sump pump, install, get water out, carry up and throw out soaking wet rugs....Next I go to walmart with a baby who is less then thrilled and screaming- But hey we need food in this house because I will NOT eat baby food for dinner... So, I grab my needs and dodge all the aw whats wrong bla bla bla wait in an awesome SHOOOOORT(not) line only to realize i have no money or debit card to pay.... I wreastly the awesome winds and scoot home..... Then comes 5 pm....... where my cell phone screen decided it would join our sump pump and retire to the dead stage way before our bank account was prepared...

Sound awesome...?!

Next time your dreading a monday- think about it... it COULD BE WAY MORE "AWESOME" ::major side eye to the last 24 hrs:: ::MAJOR::

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