Monday, January 11, 2010

4 months, Stats, and a Congrats!!!

Brodie went in for his 4 month check up today!!! Mama K took him as last time I had a breakdown over the shots more then he did.


He is 15 lbs (50th percentile) and 24 inches (10th percentile). So, we have a little shorty on our hands still but 10th is a bump from 8th which is where we were at when he had his 2 month check up!!!

He got the green light to have all cerals and stage 1 fruits and veggies.


He is also advanced in strength & skills to that of 6+ month olds. He scoots in his walker, sits unassisted (even tho I still put pillows all around bc I am a worryful spaz), stands w support, pushes up on arms w straight elbows, rolls, reaches for toys, follows noises, reaches for our food, holds bottle and own spoon when eating....

Right now we are going through some average attachment times where he wants to be with me all the time and has to know where I am all most all the time. Lots of fun- I do admit that I love it but because he is incredible fussy bc we are also going through the start of teething it can mean for some very long days- and since most teething items are based with lactose (a no go for lactose intollerant babies) we are sticking through it with lots of cuddles, ice cubes, his winkle, and so far we have had to do tylenol twice on some really rough nights.

All in all- saying we love this kid does not give justice to the joy he brings and the completment to us he is!!!

Congrats to all our friends whom have recently found out they are expecting- some are still secrets so we wont name names (but really it seems like everyone) we wish you all a happy and healthy 9 months and cant wait for you guys to be where we are now next year- just wait it only gets better!!!

To our few friends struggling with infertility & trying to get pregnant stay strong bc it CAN be overcome & happy bed dancing!

And those in the 2ww (2 week wait- google it) nothing but +++++ thoughts for you!!!!

Yes- we have alot of baby baking and making friends it seems right now!!!

Much love everyone!!!

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