Sunday, February 21, 2010

Time flys and I am a bad blogger

True story!

All in all Brodie is such a joy! Especially when his teething gums are hurting him and he is lacking sleep bc he is too cool for naps!

5 month updates

Eats 2 meals a day plus formula- he does better with real food over pureed & loves anything banana!

Could eat gerber puffs all day long if i let him!

Sits on own- and loves to do so when the livingroom floor is covered in blankets and blues clues is on.

In his big boy car seat and City Mini stroller

Is mastering getting from seated position to his belly--- occasional face plant.

Loves to ride in the cart at the store as long as we dont dilly dally for too long bc stolling is what he loves.

Rolls everywhere- & when I walk away for two minutes he rolls all the way to the kitchen table to nibble on the bar stool legs (ring ring cps... palease people there is no lead paint in this home- and he is teething jeesh)

Loves other kids and to flirt with the ladies.

Has his 1st pass port

zooms all over in his walker

Loves his feet "thing 1 and thing 2"

Takes baths in the big boy tub- total water boy and we start swimming at our gym on wednesday night!!!

Still sleeps all night & yes with us. To some "omg your kid sleeps with you"- yes he does and it works well for us. To each their own. We all sleep better that way and after all when the day is done and your exhausted all you do is sleep anyways! One day he will be in his own crib all night- I know of no "cool" 15 year old boy who still wants to share a room with their parents ;). As for now 90% of the time he naps just fine in his crib & always starts each night out there as he goes to bed hours before us!

A little over a month till brodies 1st cruise and trip to disney. And this summer he shall be taking his 2nd trip out of the country when we travel to russia for a week with family!

Much love everyone- I am a bad blogger as I have become super mom and now have a baby that does more then sleep eat and poop...

Speaking of poop- we will end this note with a bit of LOL- I took my 2nd shower with out kim being home as well, all nice and clean- rigght? Well I come out- my house smells like the poop mill of all grand daddy poop mills.... (that would be the soy formula)... So I scoop up the stinker him self go change him only to have him- Hold your breath- SPRAY SHIT alll over my nice clean self.... So in the shower we both went again!!! :) have a great week everyone...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Help us pick!!!

Help us pick the photo of brodie to be submitted into the national contest with eieio photography!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Because of our discovery of an amazing photographer and one cute baby

Brodie will be entered into a local & national contest...

Once all is set and the voting begins you will know so you can vote away!!! I cant believe how great the prizes are too...

On another swoon topic and milestone

We took our first shopping trip where brodie sat in the cart & we went to his first valentines dance with miss ava and miss aria!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010


cuteness galore!!