You betcha...
Brodie is almost one and
we baught a new house...
and I started a business...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Good thing my goal in life is not to blog
bc i would be terrible at it!
This little man is growning like a weed! We just went and did our easter pictures & had alot of fun doing them.
Next week we leave for vacation!
Brodie is a mad man and rolls everwhere and any where, he loves the dogs, long walks are a perk for him at the end of the day!
OOOO and we have two teeth... the bottom front!!!

Kim is also starting a fitness class next month & is very excited-
Sorry for the bad blogging everyone-- what can I say?? were just haveing so much fun w him!!!
This little man is growning like a weed! We just went and did our easter pictures & had alot of fun doing them.
Next week we leave for vacation!
Brodie is a mad man and rolls everwhere and any where, he loves the dogs, long walks are a perk for him at the end of the day!
OOOO and we have two teeth... the bottom front!!!

Kim is also starting a fitness class next month & is very excited-
Sorry for the bad blogging everyone-- what can I say?? were just haveing so much fun w him!!!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Time flys and I am a bad blogger
True story!
All in all Brodie is such a joy! Especially when his teething gums are hurting him and he is lacking sleep bc he is too cool for naps!
5 month updates
Eats 2 meals a day plus formula- he does better with real food over pureed & loves anything banana!
Could eat gerber puffs all day long if i let him!
Sits on own- and loves to do so when the livingroom floor is covered in blankets and blues clues is on.
In his big boy car seat and City Mini stroller
Is mastering getting from seated position to his belly--- occasional face plant.
Loves to ride in the cart at the store as long as we dont dilly dally for too long bc stolling is what he loves.
Rolls everywhere- & when I walk away for two minutes he rolls all the way to the kitchen table to nibble on the bar stool legs (ring ring cps... palease people there is no lead paint in this home- and he is teething jeesh)
Loves other kids and to flirt with the ladies.
Has his 1st pass port
zooms all over in his walker
Loves his feet "thing 1 and thing 2"
Takes baths in the big boy tub- total water boy and we start swimming at our gym on wednesday night!!!
Still sleeps all night & yes with us. To some "omg your kid sleeps with you"- yes he does and it works well for us. To each their own. We all sleep better that way and after all when the day is done and your exhausted all you do is sleep anyways! One day he will be in his own crib all night- I know of no "cool" 15 year old boy who still wants to share a room with their parents ;). As for now 90% of the time he naps just fine in his crib & always starts each night out there as he goes to bed hours before us!
A little over a month till brodies 1st cruise and trip to disney. And this summer he shall be taking his 2nd trip out of the country when we travel to russia for a week with family!
Much love everyone- I am a bad blogger as I have become super mom and now have a baby that does more then sleep eat and poop...
Speaking of poop- we will end this note with a bit of LOL- I took my 2nd shower with out kim being home as well, all nice and clean- rigght? Well I come out- my house smells like the poop mill of all grand daddy poop mills.... (that would be the soy formula)... So I scoop up the stinker him self go change him only to have him- Hold your breath- SPRAY SHIT alll over my nice clean self.... So in the shower we both went again!!! :) have a great week everyone...
All in all Brodie is such a joy! Especially when his teething gums are hurting him and he is lacking sleep bc he is too cool for naps!
5 month updates
Eats 2 meals a day plus formula- he does better with real food over pureed & loves anything banana!
Could eat gerber puffs all day long if i let him!
Sits on own- and loves to do so when the livingroom floor is covered in blankets and blues clues is on.
In his big boy car seat and City Mini stroller
Is mastering getting from seated position to his belly--- occasional face plant.
Loves to ride in the cart at the store as long as we dont dilly dally for too long bc stolling is what he loves.
Rolls everywhere- & when I walk away for two minutes he rolls all the way to the kitchen table to nibble on the bar stool legs (ring ring cps... palease people there is no lead paint in this home- and he is teething jeesh)
Loves other kids and to flirt with the ladies.
Has his 1st pass port
zooms all over in his walker
Loves his feet "thing 1 and thing 2"
Takes baths in the big boy tub- total water boy and we start swimming at our gym on wednesday night!!!
Still sleeps all night & yes with us. To some "omg your kid sleeps with you"- yes he does and it works well for us. To each their own. We all sleep better that way and after all when the day is done and your exhausted all you do is sleep anyways! One day he will be in his own crib all night- I know of no "cool" 15 year old boy who still wants to share a room with their parents ;). As for now 90% of the time he naps just fine in his crib & always starts each night out there as he goes to bed hours before us!
A little over a month till brodies 1st cruise and trip to disney. And this summer he shall be taking his 2nd trip out of the country when we travel to russia for a week with family!
Much love everyone- I am a bad blogger as I have become super mom and now have a baby that does more then sleep eat and poop...
Speaking of poop- we will end this note with a bit of LOL- I took my 2nd shower with out kim being home as well, all nice and clean- rigght? Well I come out- my house smells like the poop mill of all grand daddy poop mills.... (that would be the soy formula)... So I scoop up the stinker him self go change him only to have him- Hold your breath- SPRAY SHIT alll over my nice clean self.... So in the shower we both went again!!! :) have a great week everyone...
Monday, February 8, 2010
Help us pick!!!
Help us pick the photo of brodie to be submitted into the national contest with eieio photography!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Because of our discovery of an amazing photographer and one cute baby
Brodie will be entered into a local & national contest...
Once all is set and the voting begins you will know so you can vote away!!! I cant believe how great the prizes are too...
On another swoon topic and milestone
We took our first shopping trip where brodie sat in the cart & we went to his first valentines dance with miss ava and miss aria!!!
Brodie will be entered into a local & national contest...
Once all is set and the voting begins you will know so you can vote away!!! I cant believe how great the prizes are too...
On another swoon topic and milestone
We took our first shopping trip where brodie sat in the cart & we went to his first valentines dance with miss ava and miss aria!!!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
a crazy 24 hours
Lets see how do I begin to express how exhausting, draining, shocking, and nerve racking the last 24 hours have been...
1- before everyones underroos get in a tizzy this post is for mama vent and the MR is 100% perfect and infact is a rolling machine!!!! Besides the fact that he screamed for 3 hrs straight yesterday morning and mama was considering playing duck duck goose on the 390 (at rush hour)!!!
So- 1 week ago We sold a chair on craigslist to a woman whom never came to get it- so we resold it. Bringing us to Monday night What does she do- FREAKS OUT LIKE A CHIHUAHUA WITH A BURITTO THAT IS MISSING THE BEANS.... Im talking threatened to shoot me in the face and shoot my house up kinda crazy- so I kept my calm and not attacking her with my shovel that was conviently by the door- I locked locked the door- closed the blinds- & called the cops & I had her arrested... We go to bed count our sheep only to wake up to our dead sump pump at 8 am ish... (sump pump- takes the water out of places and more imporant places in basements that fill with water when ALL the snow ments on a random day in January in upstate New fricken York) Oooo look- our own personal swimming pool IN OUR BASEMENT... Next steps buy sump pump, install, get water out, carry up and throw out soaking wet rugs....Next I go to walmart with a baby who is less then thrilled and screaming- But hey we need food in this house because I will NOT eat baby food for dinner... So, I grab my needs and dodge all the aw whats wrong bla bla bla wait in an awesome SHOOOOORT(not) line only to realize i have no money or debit card to pay.... I wreastly the awesome winds and scoot home..... Then comes 5 pm....... where my cell phone screen decided it would join our sump pump and retire to the dead stage way before our bank account was prepared...
Sound awesome...?!
Next time your dreading a monday- think about it... it COULD BE WAY MORE "AWESOME" ::major side eye to the last 24 hrs:: ::MAJOR::
1- before everyones underroos get in a tizzy this post is for mama vent and the MR is 100% perfect and infact is a rolling machine!!!! Besides the fact that he screamed for 3 hrs straight yesterday morning and mama was considering playing duck duck goose on the 390 (at rush hour)!!!
So- 1 week ago We sold a chair on craigslist to a woman whom never came to get it- so we resold it. Bringing us to Monday night What does she do- FREAKS OUT LIKE A CHIHUAHUA WITH A BURITTO THAT IS MISSING THE BEANS.... Im talking threatened to shoot me in the face and shoot my house up kinda crazy- so I kept my calm and not attacking her with my shovel that was conviently by the door- I locked locked the door- closed the blinds- & called the cops & I had her arrested... We go to bed count our sheep only to wake up to our dead sump pump at 8 am ish... (sump pump- takes the water out of places and more imporant places in basements that fill with water when ALL the snow ments on a random day in January in upstate New fricken York) Oooo look- our own personal swimming pool IN OUR BASEMENT... Next steps buy sump pump, install, get water out, carry up and throw out soaking wet rugs....Next I go to walmart with a baby who is less then thrilled and screaming- But hey we need food in this house because I will NOT eat baby food for dinner... So, I grab my needs and dodge all the aw whats wrong bla bla bla wait in an awesome SHOOOOORT(not) line only to realize i have no money or debit card to pay.... I wreastly the awesome winds and scoot home..... Then comes 5 pm....... where my cell phone screen decided it would join our sump pump and retire to the dead stage way before our bank account was prepared...
Sound awesome...?!
Next time your dreading a monday- think about it... it COULD BE WAY MORE "AWESOME" ::major side eye to the last 24 hrs:: ::MAJOR::
Monday, January 18, 2010
Milestone Monday
Well we are not proud of this one but we had our fist trip to the ER last night to make sure he was good with his oxygen levels- thank god all was good and we got to go home around midnight!
Other then that- hes babbeling alot, flirting alot, sleeping great about 3-4 hrs a night in his crib before he wants to come back to our room- slowly were getting there, were on to 9 month cloths- which is odd bc he isnt like a "big" boy he is average for weight and really short for height, he eats five 7 oz bottles and has fruit and oatmeal for breakfest with a veggie at dinner, he hates carrots very much so, love bananas and peas and of course sweet potatos, hes sitting on his own with an occasional toppel over, pushes up really high at tummy time and is rolling both ways, loves his walker and jumpers but because he is so short his feet do not touch touch yet
and htis just in he is waking up from nap time so I must run!!!
Other then that- hes babbeling alot, flirting alot, sleeping great about 3-4 hrs a night in his crib before he wants to come back to our room- slowly were getting there, were on to 9 month cloths- which is odd bc he isnt like a "big" boy he is average for weight and really short for height, he eats five 7 oz bottles and has fruit and oatmeal for breakfest with a veggie at dinner, he hates carrots very much so, love bananas and peas and of course sweet potatos, hes sitting on his own with an occasional toppel over, pushes up really high at tummy time and is rolling both ways, loves his walker and jumpers but because he is so short his feet do not touch touch yet
and htis just in he is waking up from nap time so I must run!!!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Swooning Brodie
Yes, right now we are full force with our first illness...
Brodie has whats called RSV its very common in children. We spent a few days thinking he just had boogers then it turned into a little caugh and by Friday night full force weazing that almost had me taking him to the Er. Instead we called our doc personally at home a few times until he said he would see Brodie first thing Saturday morning. So we went in- they listened to Brodie and instantly they knew- he was put on a breathing treatment in office and sent home with his own he has his own little baby mask- plastic masks for infants are not cheap...
So far were doing breathing treatments every 4 hrs, steamy bathrooms, vicks, and vaporizors! Poor guy- my heart breaks for him... but the doc said he should be all well by the end of the week!!!
Also too boot- my computer died!
Brodie has whats called RSV its very common in children. We spent a few days thinking he just had boogers then it turned into a little caugh and by Friday night full force weazing that almost had me taking him to the Er. Instead we called our doc personally at home a few times until he said he would see Brodie first thing Saturday morning. So we went in- they listened to Brodie and instantly they knew- he was put on a breathing treatment in office and sent home with his own he has his own little baby mask- plastic masks for infants are not cheap...
So far were doing breathing treatments every 4 hrs, steamy bathrooms, vicks, and vaporizors! Poor guy- my heart breaks for him... but the doc said he should be all well by the end of the week!!!
Also too boot- my computer died!
Monday, January 11, 2010
4 months, Stats, and a Congrats!!!
Brodie went in for his 4 month check up today!!! Mama K took him as last time I had a breakdown over the shots more then he did.
He is 15 lbs (50th percentile) and 24 inches (10th percentile). So, we have a little shorty on our hands still but 10th is a bump from 8th which is where we were at when he had his 2 month check up!!!
He got the green light to have all cerals and stage 1 fruits and veggies.
He is also advanced in strength & skills to that of 6+ month olds. He scoots in his walker, sits unassisted (even tho I still put pillows all around bc I am a worryful spaz), stands w support, pushes up on arms w straight elbows, rolls, reaches for toys, follows noises, reaches for our food, holds bottle and own spoon when eating....
Right now we are going through some average attachment times where he wants to be with me all the time and has to know where I am all most all the time. Lots of fun- I do admit that I love it but because he is incredible fussy bc we are also going through the start of teething it can mean for some very long days- and since most teething items are based with lactose (a no go for lactose intollerant babies) we are sticking through it with lots of cuddles, ice cubes, his winkle, and so far we have had to do tylenol twice on some really rough nights.
All in all- saying we love this kid does not give justice to the joy he brings and the completment to us he is!!!
Congrats to all our friends whom have recently found out they are expecting- some are still secrets so we wont name names (but really it seems like everyone) we wish you all a happy and healthy 9 months and cant wait for you guys to be where we are now next year- just wait it only gets better!!!
To our few friends struggling with infertility & trying to get pregnant stay strong bc it CAN be overcome & happy bed dancing!
And those in the 2ww (2 week wait- google it) nothing but +++++ thoughts for you!!!!
Yes- we have alot of baby baking and making friends it seems right now!!!
Much love everyone!!!
He is 15 lbs (50th percentile) and 24 inches (10th percentile). So, we have a little shorty on our hands still but 10th is a bump from 8th which is where we were at when he had his 2 month check up!!!
He got the green light to have all cerals and stage 1 fruits and veggies.
He is also advanced in strength & skills to that of 6+ month olds. He scoots in his walker, sits unassisted (even tho I still put pillows all around bc I am a worryful spaz), stands w support, pushes up on arms w straight elbows, rolls, reaches for toys, follows noises, reaches for our food, holds bottle and own spoon when eating....
Right now we are going through some average attachment times where he wants to be with me all the time and has to know where I am all most all the time. Lots of fun- I do admit that I love it but because he is incredible fussy bc we are also going through the start of teething it can mean for some very long days- and since most teething items are based with lactose (a no go for lactose intollerant babies) we are sticking through it with lots of cuddles, ice cubes, his winkle, and so far we have had to do tylenol twice on some really rough nights.
All in all- saying we love this kid does not give justice to the joy he brings and the completment to us he is!!!
Congrats to all our friends whom have recently found out they are expecting- some are still secrets so we wont name names (but really it seems like everyone) we wish you all a happy and healthy 9 months and cant wait for you guys to be where we are now next year- just wait it only gets better!!!
To our few friends struggling with infertility & trying to get pregnant stay strong bc it CAN be overcome & happy bed dancing!
And those in the 2ww (2 week wait- google it) nothing but +++++ thoughts for you!!!!
Yes- we have alot of baby baking and making friends it seems right now!!!
Much love everyone!!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I have not...
forgot about you dear blog.
just super busy with holidays and a fussy teething baby!!! Next week our friendship will be back in full swing.
much love
just super busy with holidays and a fussy teething baby!!! Next week our friendship will be back in full swing.
much love
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