Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Brodies first Christmas
and what a Christmas it was...
It was nice an quiet and relaxing.
We spent it at home- Brodie was given many great gifts as were we!
He got his new big boy britax carseat, toys galore, handsome outfits, stride rite awesomeness, memorable gifts, and a star - a real one up in the sky bought in his honor!!!
We were given a new freezer for our basement, a electrolux floor cleaner, a crockpot (eee love it), and alot of cloths!
Thank you everyone near and dear in our lives for being apart of it all. We love you!
It was nice an quiet and relaxing.
We spent it at home- Brodie was given many great gifts as were we!
He got his new big boy britax carseat, toys galore, handsome outfits, stride rite awesomeness, memorable gifts, and a star - a real one up in the sky bought in his honor!!!
We were given a new freezer for our basement, a electrolux floor cleaner, a crockpot (eee love it), and alot of cloths!
Thank you everyone near and dear in our lives for being apart of it all. We love you!
Its a bird... Its a plane... No its a Brodie pee train...
The saying that little boys pee on everything is an understatement...
The list of items pee'd on by the mr. himself to date
twin bed
master bed
master bedding
his bed
pack n play
car seats
bath tub
across the play room floor
on me
on kim
on kims face
on his own face
in his eye
in his mouth
on his bed room celing
on andrea
in andreas mouth
and the list will for sure grow an grow and grow
The list of items pee'd on by the mr. himself to date
twin bed
master bed
master bedding
his bed
pack n play
car seats
bath tub
across the play room floor
on me
on kim
on kims face
on his own face
in his eye
in his mouth
on his bed room celing
on andrea
in andreas mouth
and the list will for sure grow an grow and grow
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The difference a year can make
Fallen eyelashes, shooting stars, coins in a fountain, blown out candles... all hold wishes- some answered- some not.
One year ago today I was on my knees praying for the first time in my life- Clutched to my knees with tears rolling down my face I begged for a child & for what had just taken place to work its wonders and develop into that in the next 9 months.
I wish on all above especially that shooting star. Since that moment stars and Brodie hold a deep down heart felt correlation & meaning to us.
On Christmas eve of 2008 after a month long of day after day shots we went to the doctors to have our last cycle as we were out of funds to afford any more. Clearly- it worked!
How lucky are we to have this opportunity to be his parents & to have our life we have with him. We are forever changed and forever greatful.
Brodie, You my dear are our entire world. We savor every second of your smallness and cherish all the milestones you are achieving.
Now- off to write a all sappy emotional letter to Brodie in his book.
Brodies book is a journal composed of many things. It is very expensive to get a baby book that is made for a family of 2 moms or 2 dads so we have made our own- which is great for us because it has turned into so much more then just another baby book. First, When I was on bed rest I made a paper chain link count down to the induction date- each day when I took a link off I would write him a letter about what he has been up to & what our day was like- I then taped each letter into the book. Second, it has all the typical "family tree" info plus more on brodies many aunts and extended family. Third, We keep going with the letters about funny days (diaper blow outs), milestones, and other of his "firsts".... So far thats about it for his book.
So back to that letter- off I go
Have a great holiday!
Cheers to another year & seeing the difference a year can make.
Much love
One year ago today I was on my knees praying for the first time in my life- Clutched to my knees with tears rolling down my face I begged for a child & for what had just taken place to work its wonders and develop into that in the next 9 months.
I wish on all above especially that shooting star. Since that moment stars and Brodie hold a deep down heart felt correlation & meaning to us.
On Christmas eve of 2008 after a month long of day after day shots we went to the doctors to have our last cycle as we were out of funds to afford any more. Clearly- it worked!
How lucky are we to have this opportunity to be his parents & to have our life we have with him. We are forever changed and forever greatful.
Brodie, You my dear are our entire world. We savor every second of your smallness and cherish all the milestones you are achieving.
Now- off to write a all sappy emotional letter to Brodie in his book.
Brodies book is a journal composed of many things. It is very expensive to get a baby book that is made for a family of 2 moms or 2 dads so we have made our own- which is great for us because it has turned into so much more then just another baby book. First, When I was on bed rest I made a paper chain link count down to the induction date- each day when I took a link off I would write him a letter about what he has been up to & what our day was like- I then taped each letter into the book. Second, it has all the typical "family tree" info plus more on brodies many aunts and extended family. Third, We keep going with the letters about funny days (diaper blow outs), milestones, and other of his "firsts".... So far thats about it for his book.
So back to that letter- off I go
Have a great holiday!
Cheers to another year & seeing the difference a year can make.
Much love
Monday, December 21, 2009
Milestone Monday
Wow its 10 pm already....
Well we all know about JcPennys and there is no need to talk about that 20x's over...
So, to kick off milestone monday.... :).... This may surprise you- but sometimes I make a big deal out of things that are totally not a big deal.
I know. Weird &
Anyways- The Mr. can lift his head and shoulders at tummy time!!!! Just when I went all ape shit ::crazy eyed hair sticking out like I stuck a fork in an electric socket:: on Kim in the fear that something may be wrong with him... as your giving me the ::side eye:: right now that I thought something was "wrong" with him please read the above statement again....
-okay good now that were on back on the same page on to another milestone-
Brodie is farting alot this last week.... proud moment right? Yes, I am- Rather funny because sometimes he startles himself... (Dear Little Tummys Gas Drops: You.Complete.Me.)
Much love <3
Well we all know about JcPennys and there is no need to talk about that 20x's over...
So, to kick off milestone monday.... :).... This may surprise you- but sometimes I make a big deal out of things that are totally not a big deal.
I know. Weird &
Anyways- The Mr. can lift his head and shoulders at tummy time!!!! Just when I went all ape shit ::crazy eyed hair sticking out like I stuck a fork in an electric socket:: on Kim in the fear that something may be wrong with him... as your giving me the ::side eye:: right now that I thought something was "wrong" with him please read the above statement again....
-okay good now that were on back on the same page on to another milestone-
Brodie is farting alot this last week.... proud moment right? Yes, I am- Rather funny because sometimes he startles himself... (Dear Little Tummys Gas Drops: You.Complete.Me.)
Much love <3
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Swoon Saturday
Brodie is famous!!! He's a Jcpenny baby & In Jcpenny studios and this is going out for a national catalog contest.... proud mommy moment I had to snag a pic as we were strolling by the studio today!!! Brodie we swoon you for how small you once were, for taking our breath away today when we saw you up on that wall & for the way you amaze us each and every day.

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Dear Santa part 2!
After a high an low search we found an amazing Santa! Beat that skinny mall Santas...
But to no great efforts Mr. Brodie was not impressed...

Brodie we love you- and while we did manage to get 1- great sweet innocent picture (pictured below) 1-perfect pouty lip picture and 1- (pictured above) screaming picture... we indeed picked the screaming picture to be printed off ::big kisses baby:: after all we are your mama's and could not resist....
But to no great efforts Mr. Brodie was not impressed...

Brodie we love you- and while we did manage to get 1- great sweet innocent picture (pictured below) 1-perfect pouty lip picture and 1- (pictured above) screaming picture... we indeed picked the screaming picture to be printed off ::big kisses baby:: after all we are your mama's and could not resist....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Milestone Monday- Happy 3 months to me!
What happens when you give your child prune juice....
when he has not pooped in a few days????
He explodes...
Im talking up the back, down the legs, on the socks- to the toes, all over the cloths, on the car seats, and trough a entire thing of wipes, plus continued to poop on 2 new diapers type of exploding!!!
ooooo awesome fun it was <3
He explodes...
Im talking up the back, down the legs, on the socks- to the toes, all over the cloths, on the car seats, and trough a entire thing of wipes, plus continued to poop on 2 new diapers type of exploding!!!
ooooo awesome fun it was <3
Dear Santa...
So, You know you have seen them.... Those fake holiday fireplace settings on dvd that you are ment to play and watch through your tv....
Im overall confused- Does Santa come through the TV now or what? No wonder kids are so confused...
What the hell is up with skinny sanats in the mall these days? I have not paid much attention in the past but now that it is part of parental duty I would like to request a fat santa please and thank you much!
Im overall confused- Does Santa come through the TV now or what? No wonder kids are so confused...
What the hell is up with skinny sanats in the mall these days? I have not paid much attention in the past but now that it is part of parental duty I would like to request a fat santa please and thank you much!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Swoon Saturday
We went to dinner with a group of friends last night- Preston, Annee, Mike, Tim, Andrea, Ava, Kim, Brodie, and I... Mr. Brodie and Miss Ava were so good. They had about 15 TV's to enjoy every sport possible on, new faces to look at, miss ava was so alert for being only 1 month old & Brodie flirted w Annee and an entire other table of people... Yes he melts my heart & those ladies at the other table would have done anything for him bc of that goofy smile he flashes.... the one man at that table was just like "man how do you do it-luuuucky" ;).... We were there for 3 hours and I must say it went really fast!!! So glad to have these great kiddos & still be able to have our adult times & adult convos- even tho we talked about our real babies and furbabies alot still!!! Miss Ava and Mr. Brodie we swoon you for being the little amazing babies that you are- thank you for the 3 hour dinner, great adult convo, and allowing us to enjoy our cherry wheat beers! -cheers!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Meet Winkel
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Meet Sophie
She is ranted and raved all around about being "fantastic" for little ones...
"she helps build all senses, perfect teether, made of heanea tree sap.... her spots help w eyes, food dye for taste, all organic, smell bc its made from a sap not chemicals, sound w her squeak, touch for her unique texture" yada yada yada
So, We have had her on the list of toys to get & I found a place that sells them, bundled up the mr, drove a few towns over, found a shelf of them, squeaked with excitment.... and got in line to pay.... then I hear "$24.00" ::jaw drops but I suck it up and buy it bc after all its "fantastic" and $24 is worth fantastic::
Once were back in the car I open it like a kid at Christmas.... & guess what.... ITS JUST LIKE A SQUEAKEY TOY THAT I WOULD BUY FOR THE DOGS... NO JOKE! & about $23 more expensive...
Needless to say low and behold Brodie loves it. Yes, of all the toys he has he is glued to this could be dog toy... Well since we are in the early stages of teething it is great- it is the only teether brodie can get a good grip on and gives him something other then his fists to chew, he likes it better then all the other toys he has and shows much more interest in it, & he lights up with an ear to ear grin each time he makes it squeak!
Welcome to the family Mrs. Sophie and congrats on being the worlds most expensive squeaky toy- some serious sap your made of huh?!
(excuse the craptastic picture quality- I literally took pictures with my phone off my good camera's screen bc uploading pics is just not in the cards of "to do" right now <3 )

Next toy on the list is a winkle... its supposed to be just as fun!!! Stay tuned- the hunt for it is tomorrow... along with a new book for me "Dear John"~
Good Night everyone.
"she helps build all senses, perfect teether, made of heanea tree sap.... her spots help w eyes, food dye for taste, all organic, smell bc its made from a sap not chemicals, sound w her squeak, touch for her unique texture" yada yada yada
So, We have had her on the list of toys to get & I found a place that sells them, bundled up the mr, drove a few towns over, found a shelf of them, squeaked with excitment.... and got in line to pay.... then I hear "$24.00" ::jaw drops but I suck it up and buy it bc after all its "fantastic" and $24 is worth fantastic::
Once were back in the car I open it like a kid at Christmas.... & guess what.... ITS JUST LIKE A SQUEAKEY TOY THAT I WOULD BUY FOR THE DOGS... NO JOKE! & about $23 more expensive...
Needless to say low and behold Brodie loves it. Yes, of all the toys he has he is glued to this could be dog toy... Well since we are in the early stages of teething it is great- it is the only teether brodie can get a good grip on and gives him something other then his fists to chew, he likes it better then all the other toys he has and shows much more interest in it, & he lights up with an ear to ear grin each time he makes it squeak!
Welcome to the family Mrs. Sophie and congrats on being the worlds most expensive squeaky toy- some serious sap your made of huh?!
(excuse the craptastic picture quality- I literally took pictures with my phone off my good camera's screen bc uploading pics is just not in the cards of "to do" right now <3 )

Next toy on the list is a winkle... its supposed to be just as fun!!! Stay tuned- the hunt for it is tomorrow... along with a new book for me "Dear John"~
Good Night everyone.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Milestone Monday
As of today Brodie
Rolls tummy to back
Trys to reach for his toys- perception is a bit off
Super silly and is a giggler
Found his voice so he "chit chats" alot
Eats 2 table spoons of rice cereal at lunch time
In his big boy car seat (rear facing of course)... he is a whoping 14 lbs already- put him in the carrier and that is about 30 lbs.... not so fun to tug around!
He is growing like a weed!!!
First we tried it in the house & he thought it was funny...

Then it proved a success for his first car ride in it!
Rolls tummy to back
Trys to reach for his toys- perception is a bit off
Super silly and is a giggler
Found his voice so he "chit chats" alot
Eats 2 table spoons of rice cereal at lunch time
In his big boy car seat (rear facing of course)... he is a whoping 14 lbs already- put him in the carrier and that is about 30 lbs.... not so fun to tug around!
He is growing like a weed!!!
First we tried it in the house & he thought it was funny...

Then it proved a success for his first car ride in it!

Saturday, December 5, 2009
For the love of google....
& for Kim.... Since you asked... "what does swoon mean"
Since my explanation of "you know- to swooooooooon" ::as I open my arms as if im in a theatrical production all dramatic like:: was not enough- I googled.
Well the results are....
Swoon: To be overwhelmed by ecstatic joy
Since my explanation of "you know- to swooooooooon" ::as I open my arms as if im in a theatrical production all dramatic like:: was not enough- I googled.
Well the results are....
Swoon: To be overwhelmed by ecstatic joy
Swoon Saturday
Brodie sleeps through the night... nener nener neeenerrr!!! and has since we brought him home from the hospital...
When he first came home he would eat mid way through the night and fall right back asleep...
Now all this week at just 3 months old he is going to sleep on his own at 8-830 and wakes up about 6 am with mama k.... its fantastic.
all those with out kids say "yay!"
all those with kids and newborns insert ::half smile and a side eye:: no words necessary...
I hear the horror of some parents with 1 year olds whom have yet to sleep through the night- I am so thankful that is not us- Brodie we swoon you for this- thank you! Keep it up little man.....
When he first came home he would eat mid way through the night and fall right back asleep...
Now all this week at just 3 months old he is going to sleep on his own at 8-830 and wakes up about 6 am with mama k.... its fantastic.
all those with out kids say "yay!"
all those with kids and newborns insert ::half smile and a side eye:: no words necessary...
I hear the horror of some parents with 1 year olds whom have yet to sleep through the night- I am so thankful that is not us- Brodie we swoon you for this- thank you! Keep it up little man.....
Friday, December 4, 2009
Lets talk coffee....
For those of you not tugging around a chubby infant in a heavy carrier...
How do you score a free cup of coffee you ask?
A. Go to starbucks and ask to "try" a few different types then decided you do not like any- you simply just earned an entire espresso shot!
B. Go to a dealership to "buy" a car- chances are you will get your pick from coffee, water, or soda!!!
C. When all else fails flirt with the barissta...
If you need a major caffeine fix implement all A, then C, and B at the last resort!
IF your a new mom and need a sip of coffee....
A. Go for a drive if your child likes the car... works like a charm for us!!
B. Reheat your cup for the 5th time but know as soon as that cup approaches your lip your child will wake up... place cup down and load child up to go in the car for a drive OR say ill see you at the 6th heat up mr cup of coffee
C. Go to the gym where you get 2 hours of day care a day with your membership, free coffee till 3, and unlimited internet... Skip the treadmill and sip the coffee....
Feel free to do B, then A, then a follow up cup when you get to C!!!! By the 6th reheat its about 2 pm in the day and you still have a full hour to snag free coffee at the gym....
How do you score a free cup of coffee you ask?
A. Go to starbucks and ask to "try" a few different types then decided you do not like any- you simply just earned an entire espresso shot!
B. Go to a dealership to "buy" a car- chances are you will get your pick from coffee, water, or soda!!!
C. When all else fails flirt with the barissta...
If you need a major caffeine fix implement all A, then C, and B at the last resort!
IF your a new mom and need a sip of coffee....
A. Go for a drive if your child likes the car... works like a charm for us!!
B. Reheat your cup for the 5th time but know as soon as that cup approaches your lip your child will wake up... place cup down and load child up to go in the car for a drive OR say ill see you at the 6th heat up mr cup of coffee
C. Go to the gym where you get 2 hours of day care a day with your membership, free coffee till 3, and unlimited internet... Skip the treadmill and sip the coffee....
Feel free to do B, then A, then a follow up cup when you get to C!!!! By the 6th reheat its about 2 pm in the day and you still have a full hour to snag free coffee at the gym....
Thursday, December 3, 2009
100 in 365
have a baby √
join the gym & get in shape√
get a family portrait √
become good with my camara and use it often
take a family cruise
start a blog for brodie and family √
read 3 books
make lasagna- NOT stouffers :)
Get brodie into swim class
cut coupons & use them √
A once a month date just kim and i
Teach brodie his milestones
Spend $100 on christmas √
Take brodie to the zoo
Go on a random road trip on a sunday afternoon
keep a solid photo album & video log
only grocery shop twice a month
get to know 5 new people
let brodie go in the ocean and put his feet in the sand
plan a football sunday birthday party for brodie
volenteer with the Ymca
Work toward my real estate license
ignore a messy house and play with my son√
go for a walk in new parks
take brodie camping
learn a new crafty thing to do
make a pie from scratch
find a part time job that works
do 2 inside house projects
not buy more then 3 dvd's but rent
consignment shop √
landscape the front yard
have a picnic
plan an event
deep clean my house in the spring/summer
get newborn, 6 month, and 1 year pics done for brodie
not cut my hair short again
cook for my mom √
bake for my aunt
go to yoga a few times
let kim have alone time with brodie √
treat kim to a "her" day
get more affordable health insurance √
wish happy birthdays and anniversarys to others
recconect with 5 old friends
find a good sitter for brodie
feed the ducks on the canal
go for a canal tour
go to the mueseum of play
go dancing
go to disney
take brodie on the dumbo ride
go a week with out making a to do list
learn how to change a tire
get an understanding for the stock market
get a picture done by my aunt
buy toys for kids at christmas & donate
consign at weapeats sale
go to the dentist
have a spa treatment
keep building my photo book
spend a weekend gardening
make a snowman
be a vent source for a friend √
stain our deck
visit dr. hayes again
keep the same shower curtain for 6 months
rebuild our savings
babysit for friends √
keep brodie in gymboree class
get a new mattress √
cook dinner every night but 2 nights a month
get brodie to high five and say mama/mommy
take brodie to the pool in the summer
spend a night at my moms
go skiing w friends
see new moon in september √
see eclipse in june
see fire works in july
get brodie to nap in his crib
get my first flu shot √
have breakfest with friends √
pay off debts √
pay better attention to the dogs
take brodie to a baseball game
visit family out of town
go to long island in july
rent a cabin in may
order dessert before dinner
skip christmas cards and send random thinking of you cards
stop stealing pens from mean servers and register people
clean the outside of the windows
positively comment a stranger √
sell unused items on craigslist & de-clutter
organize our messy basement
do feet painting with brodie √
be a good hand washer √
get a new tattoo
go fishing
let brodie get super messy with his 1st birthday cake
join the gym & get in shape√
get a family portrait √
become good with my camara and use it often
take a family cruise
start a blog for brodie and family √
read 3 books
make lasagna- NOT stouffers :)
Get brodie into swim class
cut coupons & use them √
A once a month date just kim and i
Teach brodie his milestones
Spend $100 on christmas √
Take brodie to the zoo
Go on a random road trip on a sunday afternoon
keep a solid photo album & video log
only grocery shop twice a month
get to know 5 new people
let brodie go in the ocean and put his feet in the sand
plan a football sunday birthday party for brodie
volenteer with the Ymca
Work toward my real estate license
ignore a messy house and play with my son√
go for a walk in new parks
take brodie camping
learn a new crafty thing to do
make a pie from scratch
find a part time job that works
do 2 inside house projects
not buy more then 3 dvd's but rent
consignment shop √
landscape the front yard
have a picnic
plan an event
deep clean my house in the spring/summer
get newborn, 6 month, and 1 year pics done for brodie
not cut my hair short again
cook for my mom √
bake for my aunt
go to yoga a few times
let kim have alone time with brodie √
treat kim to a "her" day
get more affordable health insurance √
wish happy birthdays and anniversarys to others
recconect with 5 old friends
find a good sitter for brodie
feed the ducks on the canal
go for a canal tour
go to the mueseum of play
go dancing
go to disney
take brodie on the dumbo ride
go a week with out making a to do list
learn how to change a tire
get an understanding for the stock market
get a picture done by my aunt
buy toys for kids at christmas & donate
consign at weapeats sale
go to the dentist
have a spa treatment
keep building my photo book
spend a weekend gardening
make a snowman
be a vent source for a friend √
stain our deck
visit dr. hayes again
keep the same shower curtain for 6 months
rebuild our savings
babysit for friends √
keep brodie in gymboree class
get a new mattress √
cook dinner every night but 2 nights a month
get brodie to high five and say mama/mommy
take brodie to the pool in the summer
spend a night at my moms
go skiing w friends
see new moon in september √
see eclipse in june
see fire works in july
get brodie to nap in his crib
get my first flu shot √
have breakfest with friends √
pay off debts √
pay better attention to the dogs
take brodie to a baseball game
visit family out of town
go to long island in july
rent a cabin in may
order dessert before dinner
skip christmas cards and send random thinking of you cards
stop stealing pens from mean servers and register people
clean the outside of the windows
positively comment a stranger √
sell unused items on craigslist & de-clutter
organize our messy basement
do feet painting with brodie √
be a good hand washer √
get a new tattoo
go fishing
let brodie get super messy with his 1st birthday cake
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
A new world- BLOGGING... and a new excuse to AW our son as much as possible....
How about a proper "hello" and intro to our family.
The goal of this blog is to keep family & friends updated, give those we love stuck at work a reason to slack, and me "mama m" something to do at nap time!!!
If you plan to read this blog be for warned that 1- my grammar skills are nonexesitant 2- I cannot spell 50% of the time- sound it out if your confused 3- I have become a parent so 90% of my conversations revolve around my child ('s poop routine, hissy fits, milestones, "what ifs", paranoia, and AW moments)...
So, we are a family of 2 dogs, 2 moms, 1 baby, and a few dust bunnies when I do not get the chance to clean... Were very family nit, not too religious, very explorative, we love travel, do house projects, and our newest sing itsy bitsy spider at least 10x a day!
Let the blogging adventures begin and fun with Brodie continue to grow as he does.... Ready! Set! Go!
The goal of this blog is to keep family & friends updated, give those we love stuck at work a reason to slack, and me "mama m" something to do at nap time!!!
If you plan to read this blog be for warned that 1- my grammar skills are nonexesitant 2- I cannot spell 50% of the time- sound it out if your confused 3- I have become a parent so 90% of my conversations revolve around my child ('s poop routine, hissy fits, milestones, "what ifs", paranoia, and AW moments)...
So, we are a family of 2 dogs, 2 moms, 1 baby, and a few dust bunnies when I do not get the chance to clean... Were very family nit, not too religious, very explorative, we love travel, do house projects, and our newest sing itsy bitsy spider at least 10x a day!
Let the blogging adventures begin and fun with Brodie continue to grow as he does.... Ready! Set! Go!
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